VKS Stud Reworking Set
Mill in the patient’s mouth!
Symptoms of wear at the stud of the VKS attachment lead to the
loss of the function of the denture. Normally, the patient requires a new prosthetic
supply which includes the risk that the root of the abutment tooth may be damaged
considerably and can no longer be used to hold the denture. To avoid these risks and
additional cost, the VKS stud reworking set has been developed. For hygienic
purposes, used instruments should not be reused; they must be disposed of. Use the
VKS stud reworking set only for gold alloys. This kit allows the worn VKS patrix
(stud) to be milled in the patient’s mouth to a cylindrical post over which a new
titanium ball can be placed.
Technical Information
Tips and Techniques